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Datum: 15. FEB 24 - GOOD TO KNOW
What you need to know about zinc to stay healthy
Although vitamin C is traditionally believed to ward off flu and colds, zinc is equally important. Are you eating enough foods with zinc?
For a stronger immune system, zinc is almost more important than vitamin C. Especially because we pay attention to vitamin C and it is found in citrus fruits, but zinc is usually not thought about.

Zinc is one of the most important minerals, and our body needs it in the fight against viruses and bacteria. Zinc protects us from infections and even from malignant diseases. It is particularly effective in combination with antioxidants, and its deficiency causes frequent colds, the flu, which can recur several times in one winter, as well as cancer of the ovaries, lungs, intestines, breast, skin, leukemia...

For zinc, it is considered that the one of animal origin is better. It is most abundant in eggs, meat (especially beef), seafood (mussels, crabs, tuna). Zinc from plant-based foods is more difficult for our body to absorb, but the other benefits outweigh this minor problem. Zinc is found in walnuts, almonds, beans, wheat germ, pumpkin seeds, spinach, peas... The main advantage of "vegetable" zinc is that it is always combined with magnesium and selenium. Otherwise, the absorption of zinc can be improved with sufficient protein intake.

Otherwise, a lack of zinc can also be recognized by the fact that you have a lower resistance to seasonal diseases, skin problems, anemia, decreased appetite, white spots on the nails, slow wound healing, nervous irritability... Zinc also contributes a lot to good eyesight , smell and taste, and it is also very important in the release of insulin.

You won't believe it, but analyzes show that 2 billion people suffer from zinc deficiency in food.

Let's eat more zinc and stay healthy.
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