In modern society, many diseases are associated with lack of sleep. Many studies found out that 20 to 30% of cancer is due to poor sleep. It is not enough to sleep for 7 to 9 hours, a recommended amount, but the quality of sleep is equally important. Sleep doesn't help if our digestive tract can not be calmed down. Even the heart can not work at full load at all times. Same with internal organs, glands and joints. At night, there are a lot more things going on than we think, and the body needs time to regenerate.
Why banana?
Bananas contain many amino acids, among which the most important is tryptophan, because it regulates the level of serotonin, the main substance for a stronger sleep. Bananas therefore improve mood and reduce appetite, are rich in minerals such as magnesium, iron, calcium ...
Why cinnamon?
It is rich in essential oils, such as eugenol and phenylpropanoid. These are chemical compounds that give cinnamon a characteristic aroma, but the main feature of cinnamon is to improve blood circulation and digestion. Therefore, it is important to drink a mixture of banana and cinnamon an hour before bedtime. Blood circulation is extremely important because the body is fed through it and also cleansed.
How to prepare an evening drink from bananas and cinnamon?
- 1 banana
- 1 liter of water
- 1 tablespoon of cinnamon
Place the water on the stove and wait for it to boil. Only then put the banana, which should be cut into circles into boiling water. Leave all together for 10 minutes on the stove.
Then remove it from the stove and allow it to cool slightly. You should then pour it into a cup of tea through filter, add cinnamon, mix it and drink it.
It is very important to do this about an hour before going to bed. Make sure you don't eat anything after that, since the drink will initially give you a boost, which means that the body will be cleansed, and digestion will process all the food you consumed during the day, making your sleep of better quality.
Also keep in mind: you can even lose weight with regular drinking of this beverage. Or at least you won't be gaining any weight, because your body will consume all the stored fat.