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TOP 5 LCHF Breakfasts
17. MAY 24 - INTERESTING - 217
TOP 5 LCHF Breakfasts
Is it healthy to start the day with carbohydrates? If possible, avoid it, because you'll be hungry again in half an hour. Follow the tips below, and you'll have a better day.
Toe Touch Test for Heart Disease?
16. MAY 24 - INTERESTING - 312
Toe Touch Test for Heart Disease?
If you're concerned about your heart, you can easily check with this test ...
The Vitamin Most People Are Missing
15. MAY 24 - INTERESTING - 176
The Vitamin Most People Are Missing
Research shows that nearly 90% of people suffer from skin problems, brittle nails, frequent one-day colds, headaches, and increased hair loss. All because of a single vitamin!
What can happen if your body lacks zinc?
14. MAY 24 - INTERESTING - 184
What can happen if your body lacks zinc?
Many minerals are important for the body, but zinc is one of the most crucial. Without zinc, your immune system doesn't function properly ...
Don't Give Up Bread
13. MAY 24 - INTERESTING - 182
Don't Give Up Bread
45% of the necessary daily energy can be easily obtained from bread or pasta, so don't avoid them.
Do you know the difference between farmed and wild salmon?
12. MAY 24 - INTERESTING - 182
Do you know the difference between farmed and wild salmon?
Not every fish is a healthy fish. Many nutritionists even advise against consuming farmed fish.
Weeds that heal the stomach, liver, kidneys, and Lyme disease
10. MAY 24 - INTERESTING - 202
Weeds that heal the stomach, liver, kidneys, and Lyme disease
Wild teasel has remarkable healing effects, as it was once used to treat jaundice, remove warts, cleanse the body, and today doctors agree that it is an effective complementary treatment for Lyme disease.
Be cautious with grilled food
9. MAY 24 - INTERESTING - 349
Be cautious with grilled food
There's nothing better than grilling lunch, sipping a glass of wine, and casually chatting with neighbors about the weather. But it also has its downsides. Do you know what they are?
Trick to remove age spots
8. MAY 24 - INTERESTING - 217
Trick to remove age spots
After the age of 40, age spots start appearing on everyone, which is not unusual, but it's good to know how to get rid of them anyway.
Potato Soup with Spring Onions
7. MAY 24 - INTERESTING - 183
Potato Soup with Spring Onions
A simple and quick fresh spring soup that will satisfy you and give you energy.
Fish that Ruin Health
6. MAY 24 - INTERESTING - 284
Fish that Ruin Health
Once you find out what type of fish it is, you'll avoid it anyway, but when you learn that it's harmful on top of everything, these fish should even be banned!
Discover the healthiest alternative to bread
5. MAY 24 - INTERESTING - 296
Discover the healthiest alternative to bread
Do you feel like bread is causing you to gain weight, harming you, but you don't know what to satisfy your craving with? The solution is quite simple!
Do you only eat when you're hungry?
4. MAY 24 - INTERESTING - 297
Do you only eat when you're hungry?
If we ate only when our bodies needed energy and nutrients, then we wouldn't have problems with weight.
We get sick because we eat too much of one thing. Do you know what it is?
3. MAY 24 - INTERESTING - 265
We get sick because we eat too much of one thing. Do you know what it is?
Modern research on people's dietary habits increasingly shows that most of our problems stem from just one thing, something we might think about but don't take enough action on. What's more!
Foods You Should Definitely Remove from Your Diet
2. MAY 24 - INTERESTING - 551
Foods You Should Definitely Remove from Your Diet
Statistics say that digestion slows down after the age of 50, but nutritionists add that this isn't entirely true. When the slowdown occurs depends on each individual's body and is influenced by the food we eat daily.

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