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Category: GOOD TO KNOW
Why so much mystery surrounding vitamin B17?
6. FEB 24 - GOOD TO KNOW - 103
Why so much mystery surrounding vitamin B17?
Did you know that vitamin B17 or amygdalin is banned in the USA? Some say it's because it undermines the profits of pharmacists, while others say it's dangerous.
3 must-have breakfast rules for a smaller belly
3. FEB 24 - GOOD TO KNOW - 109
3 must-have breakfast rules for a smaller belly
If you eat a good breakfast, you will make many fewer dietary mistakes during the day.
Food that kills hunger
30. JAN 24 - GOOD TO KNOW - 124
Food that kills hunger
What to eat so that you don't get hungry quickly, that you don't fatten up too much and that it's still healthy?
Eat sauerkraut when it's in season
28. JAN 24 - GOOD TO KNOW - 122
Eat sauerkraut when it's in season
It doesn't matter when we eat sauerkraut, especially since it contains minerals and vitamins that the body needs now and not next month!
Never mix meat and milk
27. JAN 24 - GOOD TO KNOW - 120
Never mix meat and milk
Although it seems that you don't do it, think about what yogurts, cheeses, various sauces are made of...
Is it healthy to eat potatoes?
26. JAN 24 - GOOD TO KNOW - 90
Is it healthy to eat potatoes?
Before answering this question, it is good to know some facts - potatoes have saved and (almost) destroyed mankind many times.
Doctors will never tell you this
22. JAN 24 - GOOD TO KNOW - 156
Doctors will never tell you this
This mixture lowers high blood pressure and lowers too much cholesterol in the blood, and the main thing is cysts ...
Kako brez odrekanja pojesti manj kalorij
18. JAN 24 - GOOD TO KNOW - 97
Kako brez odrekanja pojesti manj kalorij
Raziskave kažejo, da so gobe izvrsten nadomestek za meso - tako po hranljivosti, kot tudi količini ...
A drink that will wake you up faster than coffee
17. JAN 24 - GOOD TO KNOW - 154
A drink that will wake you up faster than coffee
If you find yourself feeling tired, listless, sleepy and lacking in energy, then treat yourself to this toxic green concoction that will get you pumped up. Mainly because of the healing effects!
5 myths about healthy food that are not true
16. JAN 24 - GOOD TO KNOW - 123
5 myths about healthy food that are not true
There is a lot of "wisdom" spreading among people that is not true - It is not true that everything you think is harmful is really harmful, so you don't have to feel bad if you sin from time to time...
Why is chilled pasta healthier than hot?
11. JAN 24 - GOOD TO KNOW - 103
Why is chilled pasta healthier than hot?
It doesn't matter whether we eat the pasta immediately after cooking it or an hour later. Check out the difference!
How do you identify magnesium deficiency in the body?
10. JAN 24 - GOOD TO KNOW - 107
How do you identify magnesium deficiency in the body?
Magnesium is one of the most important minerals in our body, but the worst thing is that we are often not even aware of its deficiency.
The cruel truth about cucumber juice
9. JAN 24 - GOOD TO KNOW - 114
The cruel truth about cucumber juice
If last year celery juice was the biggest hit, this year everyone is talking about the benefits of cucumber juice. Is cucumber juice really that good?!
Things you should not eat on an empty stomach
8. JAN 24 - GOOD TO KNOW - 177
Things you should not eat on an empty stomach
There are many foods that should not be eaten in the morning, even though they are so healthy. We can do more harm with them...
Do not count calories, count bites
10. OCT 21 - GOOD TO KNOW - 697
Do not count calories, count bites
Counting calories is otherwise a very effective method of weight loss, but unfortunately it is impractical and therefore useless. It's rare that you know how many calories a particular dish has.

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